
Escabeche de Perdiz

If you had so much fun hunting that you ended up with too many birds, this recipe will take care of a few partridges. This is my mom’s recipe, so there aren’t exact quantities: please use your best cooking judgment! Also, feel free to change the vegetables, spices, and herbs based on your personal preference.

Escabeche de Perdiz



  1. Clean and pluck the birds thoroughly.
  2. Place the partridges in a large pot with the oil, vinegar, bay leaf, black pepper, and salt. Simmer on medium heat for about 1.75-2 hours.
  3. Add carrots, onions, bell pepper, garlic, and fresh herbs to the pot. Continue cooking until vegetables are tender, approximately 30 minutes.
  4. Allow the dish to cool completely, then transfer to an airtight container. Store in the refrigerator.
  5. Serve cold, with fresh bread or toast. Remove bones individually before eating.